File Settings: File Settings are the preferences for an individual file. You can change these options by selecting “File Settings…” from the “Edit” menu or by clicking the “File Settings” icon in a scrap file window. You can change the File Settings for any open scrap file by selecting the file from the popup menu near the top of the dialog.   Figure 8 - File Settings Dialog List Settings - Select the font and size for the text in the list by using the pop-up menus. Check the “Show Dates” check box if you’d like the date you added the item appended to it's name in the list or when in gallery mode. Window Color - Click within the frame below “Window Color” to change the color of this window. Option-click to change the focus hilite color. Show Tabs - Check the “Show Tabs” check box if you’d like tabs to be used in text items. Checking this option will slow loading of text items (especially the larger ones) so you may want to have this off most of the time. Default Font Info - Select the font and size for text items that are added or have no style of their own (pure TEXT with no associated “styl”). Sorting - Check the “Sorted List” check box if you’d like the scrap items to be sorted. Choose the sort order with the three radio buttons (the fastest sort is the “Sort by Name” option, the other 2 are much slower when you have quite a few items in a file). Allow Text Edit - Check this check box if you’d like to be able to edit or add text items to this scrap file. Hide Main Scroll - Check this check box if you’d like to hide the main scroll bar in this file's window (only useful when in list or thumbnail mode). Hide Palette - Check this check box if you’d like to hide the palette (tool bar) in this file's window. Display GIF/JPEG - Uncheck this check box if you don't want GIF or JPEG items displayed. Display QD3D - Uncheck this check box if you don't want QuickDraw 3D items displayed. Show Text/PICT in Gallery - Uncheck this check box if you don't want PICT or Text Items displayed in gallery mode (an icon will be displayed instead). This will speed up display in gallery mode. Update File/Every Change - This option is very important! You should not uncheck this item unless the scrap file is used as a temporary storage and the contents are not very important to you. In this version of ScrapIt Pro, every time an item is added/removed from a scrap file, the file is written to disk (unless this option is unchecked). If you have LOTS of items in a scrap file, this may be a slow process. In past versions of ScrapIt Pro (and this is the same with Apple's Scrapbook) after items have been added or removed from a scrap file and the file is still open and if another application had a serious crash, there is a possibility that the open scrap file could become corrupted. That is why the files are written to disk after every change normally. Type Priority - If one scrap item contains more than one of the displayable types (GIFf, JPEG, QuickDraw 3D, PICT, TEXT, snd , or moov) you might wish to set which has the priority for display when you get to that item. Just use the popup menus to choose the priority of each type. 1 is the top priority and 5 is the lowest priority. Gallery Item Width (32-256) - You can change the width of all items in gallery mode by typing a different number in this box.